Tagged : Texas

Found 13 blog entries tagged as "Texas".

According to Site Selection magazine, the state of Texas currently has the best business climate in the country. In being placed in the number one spot, Texas effectively ousted North Carolina from the position, which it has held for the past 10 years.

Atlas Van Lines’ annual study of corporate relocations in 2010, Texas saw more than 7,200 inbound relocations compared to just 5,300 outbound relocations. In all, 58 percent of inbound corporate relocations went to Texas. Furthermore, more than 40 percent of the new jobs created in the United States since June 2009 were created in Texas.

Despite these impressive figures, Site Selection analyzed a number of different factors in order to determine its 2011 rankings. Half of the total score was based on

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David Winans is real estate broker in Dallas, Texas who coined the term "Texaplex" to describe the region encompassing Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston. David has released a new video highlighting all of the great economic news coming from the Texaplex region.


The TexaPlex Project

David Winans & Associates


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According to the State Entrepreneurship Index, which measures entrepreneurial activity on a state-by-state basis, Texas ranks number 9 in the nation in terms of entrepreneurial activity. As such, the state moved up an impressive 25 spots when comparing 2010 to 2008.

The index, which was developed by economists from the Bureau of Business Research and Department of Economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, evaluates several different components. These include:

•    The percentage growth and per capita growth in the state’s business establishments
•    The state’s business formation rate
•    The number of patents held per thousand residents in the state
•    The gross receipts of sole proprietorships throughout the state
•    The number of

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According to Newsweek magazine, the “Texaplex” of Austin, San Antonio, Dallas and Houston is among the top ten regions in the country in terms of being poised for an economic recovery. This is largely due to the fact that the Texas metros have a strong energy sector as well as a strong entrepreneurial spirit.

In addition to having a strong energy sector, the Newsweek article found that the state of Texas is also an attractive market for those businesses that are looking for a place to relocate. This was largely due to the fact that the state has a “pro-business attitude” as well as a business tax rate that is relatively low when compared to other states. For these reasons and more, Texas now has more Fortune 500 companies than any other state in the

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A report recently released by Allied Van Lines found that Texas passed all of the other states in the country when it came to net relocation gains last year. As such, 2010 represents the sixth year in a row that the Lone Star State has been at the top of the list.

According to the data collected by Allied Van Lines, Texas experienced a net total of 1,640 moves between January and November 2010. This figure is derived by calculating the number of people moving into the state and then subtracting the number of people who move out of the state with Allied Van Lines’ services.

Although these figures do represent a drop when compared to 2009, at which time Texas has 2,000 net moves, the state still had a significantly larger net number of moves than its

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A recent report issued by BBVA Compass bank has determined that Texas is poised to lead the country to its economic recovery.

There are many reasons why the Lone Star State is in position to lead the country toward recovery, with oil prices being among them. Other reasons include the fact that the state has enjoyed a relatively stable housing market as well as limited fiscal challenges. The state has also continued to add private jobs to its market while its exports, particularly coal and petroleum products, have remained strong. In short, Texas has managed to remain relatively positive while most states have experienced a decline in growth.

According to the report, Texas is likely to enjoy a 2.8 percent growth in its gross domestic product this year.

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A recent survey conducted by Relocation.com found that a growing number of Americans are deciding to make the move to Texas. In fact, Texas knocked California out of the top position in terms of the most popular places for Americans to move to. In all, the Website found that the number of people who were interested in moving to Texas jumped by 50 percent when comparing the results of the survey taken in February 2011 to June 2010.

In order to come to these conclusions, Relocation.com surveyed a total of 1,000 people as part of an ongoing survey process that started in March 2009. According to officials from the Website, there are several reasons why Texas has become a popular option for Americans who are interested in moving. The two biggest reasons,

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The Americans for Prosperity Foundation reports that Texas added more jobs to its job market than any other state during the month of May. In fact, the study found that the state added 43,600 jobs to its employment roster. In addition, the Texas Workforce Commission and the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics have found that Texas enjoyed the greatest amount of growth within the non-agricultural job market when comparing month to month while also achieving the greatest monthly increase over a three year period. In the Austin region alone, about 2,000 jobs were added in May. This is certainly good news for all of Austin’s residents, including those who have managed to hold onto a job throughout the recession, as the addition of jobs is indicative of a

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According to a report released by RelocateAmerica.com, Austin is the third best city to relocate to in the United States. Austin residents have known this for quite sometime, which is part of why the city and the surrounding area has been growing so rapidly over the last several years. Still, it is good to know that the capital city of Austin is receiving recognition for all that it has to offer to those who are looking for a great city to move to.

Of course, this isn't the first time Austin has been recognized as a great place to live or as a great place to move to. In fact, the city took the number two position in the "America's Top 100 Places to Live for 2010" report. This particular report, on which Huntsville, Alabama took the number one position,…
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According to McGraw-Hill Construction, construction activity is expected to pick up some momentum in 2010, with the city of Austin enjoying the greatest growth. In fact, the 2010 Texas Construction Outlook predicts that construction starts will increase in value by 16 percent this year, with a total statewide value of $52.5 billion. Austin will nearly double the statewide prediction, with the report forecasts indicating that the city's construction starts will increase in value by 30%.

Austin isn't the only city that will surpass the statewide predictions, but some other major Texas cities are predicted to fall short of the state average. Some of the other predictions include:

•    Houston - predicted to grow by 17%
•    Dallas - predicted to grow by 16%

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