Survey Finds Texas is the Most Popular Destination for Relocating Americans

Posted by Crystal Olenbush on Thursday, May 5th, 2011 at 6:27pm.

A recent survey conducted by found that a growing number of Americans are deciding to make the move to Texas. In fact, Texas knocked California out of the top position in terms of the most popular places for Americans to move to. In all, the Website found that the number of people who were interested in moving to Texas jumped by 50 percent when comparing the results of the survey taken in February 2011 to June 2010.

In order to come to these conclusions, surveyed a total of 1,000 people as part of an ongoing survey process that started in March 2009. According to officials from the Website, there are several reasons why Texas has become a popular option for Americans who are interested in moving. The two biggest reasons, however, are the stable real estate prices found throughout the state and the relatively low unemployment rate when compared to the rest of the nation. In fact, while the national unemployment rate hovers at more than 9 percent, it is just 8.5 percent in Texas. In Austin, things look even better with an unemployment rate of 6.9 percent.

Interestingly, the survey found that fewer Americans were choosing to move because they were facing a foreclosure on their homes. On the other hand, approximately four percent of those who were surveyed said they were able to purchase their first homes because of the drops in real estate prices that have been seen around the country. Ten percent of the survey participants said they were moving because they wanted to move to a more desirable neighborhood or because they were interested in purchasing a bigger home.

The top five states for those who were relocating were:

•    Texas
•    Florida
•    California
•    North Carolina
•    Georgia

14 Responses to "Survey Finds Texas is the Most Popular Destination for Relocating Americans"

Mike Wall wrote: Its great to see cities like Austin are still experiencing growth. I lived in Austin for 9 years and it is one of the most beautiful cities in the US. Keep up the good work!

Posted on Monday, May 9th, 2011 at 8:05pm.

Ashley J. wrote: It's always interesting to see what is drawing people to various areas of the country. Texas must have some great real estate prospects available there as well as some enticing scenery. You sound like you must be doing well there! Hopefully things keep looking up for all y'all in Texas-we're starting to see things turn up here in Boise too!

Posted on Wednesday, May 11th, 2011 at 2:28pm.

Jack Rady wrote: Texas and especially the Austin area have benefited from the this migration of Americans. it is great to see how our city of Austin is holding its own even though our area foreclosures have climbed in recent months. Jim, as always thanks for the information.

Posted on Thursday, May 12th, 2011 at 11:54pm.

Music Diva wrote: My favorite thing to do while on vacation is to explore property and architecture. You know.. most people, when they're in the Caymans for example, like to swim with the stingrays.. but me? I'm checking out the latest condos..

As much as I enjoy learning about real estate in other areas of the world, I am always grateful that I live in Austin. (Well, the TX Hill Country) We get so much more 'bang for the buck' when we buy property.. but it's really more than that. Everything about Austin is cool.. the friendly people, the food.. oh yeah! The gorgeous city.. the bluebonnets in March! I could go on and on.

Thank God for Texas I say. :)

Posted on Saturday, May 14th, 2011 at 6:59am.

Dan Boyle wrote: It seems like the depressed economy and the slashed real estate values have the population churning around. Here in Florida, the influx of people is obvious. The economy seems to be rebounding, real estate values have stabilized and jobs are coming back.

Posted on Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 at 8:25pm.

Home in Seattle wrote: I LOVE LOVE Austin. I am there a few times a year for training and can see why it so popular.

Posted on Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 at 11:10pm.

Roxanne Ardary wrote: I'm in NJ and we have the opposite situation, highest outbound (also highest taxes). That being said, while prices are still on the decline here we seem to have had a steady amount of buyers in the market for a couple years. We have to work through our inventory a bit more yet before prices stabilize

Posted on Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 at 10:10pm.

Zachary Whitston wrote: GOOD NEWS! This is a very exciting time for Austin and I believe it will be for many years to come- thanks for the post.

Posted on Friday, June 10th, 2011 at 11:01am.

Carmen Brodeur wrote: As a former Texan, I am not surprised that people love to relocate to Texas. There is something for everyone.

Posted on Sunday, June 19th, 2011 at 7:26pm.

Mitchell @ Boise real estate wrote: Do you think you could send some of that up here to Boise, Idaho? The market is starting to come up but very slowly. What is the trick? I guess it's just the same...location, location, location.

Posted on Monday, June 20th, 2011 at 6:53pm.

Mell wrote: I do a lot of business travel to Austin on regular basis and I have observed that it has developed significantly over the years. No wonder it will top the economic recovery.

Posted on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011 at 5:30am.

John Loren wrote: In Texas there is really something for everyone. It is not surprising that many people choose it for their home.

Posted on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011 at 7:05am.

Robert Cody wrote: Texas has a very rich history- it's just an amazing place in general. There are many people here in Georgia that love and support Texas. I hope to visit there myself, someday.

Posted on Friday, November 25th, 2011 at 3:21pm.

Warner Robins Homes wrote: Many parts of Texas are in a boom season right now, led by Austin! Sure could use some of that mojo here in Georgia!

Posted on Friday, February 17th, 2012 at 9:00pm.

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