When you move out of a home to a new residence, there are several things you need to do in order to prepare the home you are moving from. Unless the new owners are going to be moving in as soon as you move out, one of the things you will need to do is prepare the house for being empty. For example, you need to make sure all of the water is turned off in the home and that all of your appliances are turned off.
Since the home will be left alone for a period of time, you also need to make sure all of the windows and doors are locked before you leave. Although there are likely no belongings inside of the home, you still need to keep it securely locked up in order to prevent vandalism or other damage to occur to the home.
Of course, there are things you need to do in order to make sure all of your property is in order as well. Make sure to check every nook and cranny in the home you are moving from before you say your final good by. Check the garage, the attic, all closets, and every other space in the home in order to make sure you have removed all of your belongings.
If you are using a moving company to help you with the process, you also need to make sure the movers are aware of how they can get in touch with you. After all, the last thing you want is for your belongings to get lost in limbo! Just to make sure all of your belongings make it to your new home and are accounted for, you should make a list of all of the items that are being loaded into the truck. Then, double check the list and make sure everything has arrived at your new home safely.
When hiring a moving company to help you with the process, you will have a mover’s agreement as your contract. Be certain to read all of the conditions of the agreement and to keep it in a safe place. Once all of your belongings have been safely delivered and all of your charges have paid, you won’t have to worry about using the agreement to make sure you are properly covered. Now, with your old home safely secured and your belongings in your new home, you are ready to start the next exciting chapter in your life.
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