Austin Receiving $132 Million for Government Building Improvements
Posted by James Brinkman on Monday, June 15th, 2009 at 5:52pm.
The General Services Administration, which is responsible for providing support to other federal agencies and for managing approximately $500 billion of Federal property, will be dispersing money to over 100 different development projects across the country. The funding, which became available through the recently passed stimulus package, is meant to help produce new jobs while also improving government facilities throughout the country.
In all, the state of Texas will be receiving $325 million from the stimulus package, which will be used to fund 18 GSA projects throughout the state. Three of these projects will take place in Austin, which will be receiving $132 million in stimulus money from the General Services Administration.
The three Austin GSA projects have already been identified. They include the new federal courthouse in downtown Austin, which will receive $116 million in funding, as well as the IRS southwest service center. The IRS service center will receive $6.2 million in funding while the third project, the Veterans Administration auto center, will receive $10 million in funding from the stimulus money. Not only will this help bring more employment opportunities for Austin residents, it will also help to make the downtown Austin area even more inviting to visitors as well as to its residents.